Where stories come alive

Stories just waiting to be told....

 The StoryWeavers Inc is a womb pregnant with original and creative stories expressed through every possible medium, language, genre and country, cutting through barriers with excellent quality and integrity of delivery.

The StoryWeavers Inc is a platform meant to bridge the gap between content writers and content producers by helping to broadcast stories through the right medium and at that right time.  

The StoryWeavers Inc is a hub of like-minded creators of content who support one another and co-create together. 

So, if you have a great story to tell or are bursting with a fabulous idea that just refuses to get out of your mind, call us. We will show you how to convert it into a great script and broadcast it too!

If you are looking for superb content for your next project, call us. We're brimming with content that's buzzing fresh.

What drives us:

Our Vision

To weave and create   

meaningful stories with universal appeal, across formats, languages, cultural and national barriers.

Our Mission

To create a brand name as a platform for excellent stories and story-related services in the international world of media, across different formats of storytelling.    

Our Modus Operandi

We aim to facilitate a professional and transparent system of writing, mentoring, filming and marketing stories across formats, media, duration and audiences. 

Our Core Philosophy, Way Of Being and Functioning.

UBUNTU: We are because you are. We all co-exist and co-create in an atmosphere of cooperation, acceptance, support and understanding. We are thriving because we are ONE. This ONENESS creates happiness and joy of working together. We thrive as bees to create and weave stories together. The honey or money is for all of us to share and grow and enjoy the comforts of co-existence together. We are a community of creators. We swell together and dwell together under The StoryWeavers Inc. - just like a nurturing banyan tree or Mother Earth. Aditi is the sanskrit word for Mother Earth which is Mother Nature. Aditi is the founder and Chief Story Teller. 

Who We Are


Why we do, what we do

We understand what makes great content...and what audiences are craving to watch currently.


What's cooking currently

Looking for fresh content? Check out our latest work here. 

And Hey! Call us if you like what you see!


Our Clients

We are currently commissioned by Shemaroo, the leading Indian video content producer to write content for 4 to 7 year old children, on topics pertaining to Indian culture, history, leaders and monuments. 

Corporate Content for You


• Corporate AV

• Scripts for YouTube shorts

• Non-fiction articles

• Content for Apps

• Content for social media

• Editing and Curating Content for Magazines and Apps

Get in Touch

We're listening.....or Ready to spin a story for you

The Storyweavers Inc

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

+91 9869905968

Drop us a line!
